When is the best time to buy cryptocurrency?

The total market cap of bitcoins is around 156.7 billion dollars. This currency does not require investors to be among the exclusive clubs to buy it. The only thing that should be kept in mind is maintaining and observing the time limit required for the Bitcoin investment. The best time to invest in Bitcoin must be determined so that the maximum number of turnovers can be generated in no time.

When the investor has a clear idea of when and how to buy bitcoins, the exchange rates will be better, while the difference between the purchase and sales rates will differ. The working criteria of Bitcoin are just like the traditional stock market. The stock market rate keeps changing, as is the case with bitcoins; its rate also keeps altering throughout the day.

Many investors advise newbies to consider the best time to buy cryptocurrency, but they need to be more willing to inform the general masses about the best time. The good thing about this blog is that this blog throws light on the actual and accurate best time.

Through this blog, we want to entertain our worthy readers to have a better idea of investment time so they do not have to search here and there about this particular topic. Let’s start with our blog from shallow to complex information.

What is the best time to sell Bitcoin on crypto exchanges or markets?

If we talk specifically about the days of the week apart from superstitions, then Monday morning is the answer for many crypto investors. According to field experts, Monday is the well-deserved day of the week for the purchase of cryptocurrency because the rates and prices are the lowest on Monday compared to the other days of the crypto market.

If we compare Monday with Friday, Friday is considered the most expensive day for cryptocurrency trading at the crypto exchange because being the last business day of the week. The best investment strategy for crypto purchases is to buy it on Monday, and for selling bitcoins, the best day is Friday as per the market price and bitcoin prices, which have risen in the last few working days.

What is the best time of the day to buy Bitcoin, as per the suggestions of experts:

The best crypto coins are only sometimes available. Due to dollar cost averaging and fiat currency volatility, the best investment advice regarding the perfect time to buy BTC depends totally upon the demand.

According to the economist experts of the cryptocurrency market, the crypto tokens have price swings. If we take the particular example of bitcoin’s price, then there is an excellent fluctuance in its price.

There is no hidden formula for buying and selling bitcoins. Being an investor, you can use this fluctuance to your benefit. The best time to buy Bitcoin is when it has a lower price. When the price changes for an extended period in stock trading, you can make a better deal by using this volatility in your favour. You can sell bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies at higher rates.

The reasoning behind this trick is mentioned in the proceeding lines

The first reason for using this trick is that when crypto has a high demand, the market trends will also be in favour. You can hold your crypto on the day of low order.

One of the best times to buy Bitcoin is after business hours. The reason behind this approach is that the trade is at its peak during business hours, which means the bitcoin prices will be higher due to market trends.

Being an investor, you can also approach buying bitcoins after business hours in the united states. Bitcoin prices also depend upon the media coverage and attention given to a cryptocurrency.

When a cryptocurrency is trending high on the crypto market trends, the crypto prices also hike up in no time. Generally speaking, the future depends on the media coverage.

The media is paying much attention to crypto investing, buying, risk, and profit, so crypto is also trending high. Investors should never forget that no one has control over or access to media trends, which means they constantly change. Consider the prices when deciding the best investment time for you.

What is the best time of day to invest in Bitcoin?

Aftering getting a clear idea of the bitcoin and its prices, the next step is getting access to the best time to buy bitcoin. Bitcoin indeed has volatility and a continuous cycle of price change; it must be remembered that price alteration always follows specific patterns.

As economists and experts in the field suggest, the best time to buy bitcoins from any cryptocurrency market is in the afternoon. This is usually when the price hike stops and an average piece remains stable for specific hours.

According to our observations, the best time to buy the bitcoins is between 3–4 p.m. Another time slot for better deals is midnight, i.e. From 11 p.m. onwards.

The bitcoin price is usually at the lowest point at these two-time slots, which only requires an investor to pay a little cash out of their bank account. If you do not aim at trading in bitcoins, you can also invest a small amount and hold it for some time for a better price at sale.

What is the specific week’s day to buy cryptocurrency?

The economists’ popular opinion is that the active market is usually during the work week, I.E., From Monday to Friday. If you are interested in investing in bitcoins, you can choose Sunday as the best day. Monday is also the best option before the start of the business market.

Now many people will think that the cryptocurrency markets are never closed. Bitcoin markets remain open 24/7. If crypto markets remain open for a whole week, there are still times when markets are inactive. Those fewer active hours vary among different days of the week. You can observe those hours and be an investor for spending less and earning more.

What is the August myth?

August seems to be the best time for crypto investments, and we declare that this is not a myth. This is a reality which has to be accepted by the newbies; August is the time for which many investors wait because, throughout the most extended history of Bitcoin, the only month which has the low price is the month of August, so; if you are willing to invest, you can wait till august, for getting a better price to buy bitcoin.

Sigma rule: buy low and sell high

The best investment strategy for making money and earning high turnovers with bitcoins is buying low and selling high. This means you should purchase bitcoins at a low price and sell crypto at a high price.

If you want to earn profit for a more extended period of time, you can keep bitcoins in your bank crypto wallet. After a rise in the price, you can sell the crypto at a high price.

To get more and more benefits, you should understand your ambitions and goals in the first place. If you have a clear idea of what you want, you can devise your strategy at ease and work for your business’s best benefit.

You can also keep this trade of buying and selling to make a benefit. This is why most people need a clear idea of trading on the cryptocurrency platform. If you want to avoid investing in other cryptocurrency spheres, the solution is best for gaining a handsome profit from a small investment.

Buying bitcoins and holding them for long makes turnover?

If you want to make profits in the long run, holding the bitcoins after a purchase is always the best option. According to a daily average, more people are buying, selling and trading on bitcoins which is increasing the popularity and power of bitcoins. This means that if you purchase the bitcoins at a lower rate today, the profit will double or triple your average value after some months or years.

Holding bitcoins is an intelligent move in all possible dimensions. If you buy the bitcoins and keep them, the price will increase in one way or another, resulting in a long-term profit, which is in favour of the bitcoin owner.

There should be no hurdle in accepting that Bitcoin will keep altering its value in one way or another. By following the market patterns, you can observe an increase in the market value. This is because the global inflation rate is increasing in a general pattern. There are specific theories that work for this purpose. We will illustrate those theories in the proceeding lines:

First theory

This theory is that the crypto markets are better for investors on Sunday and Monday because the bitcoin prices are low on these days. Many traders who trade in bitcoins are also not active on weekends, so weekends are the best days for investing in bitcoins to gain profit.

Entering investing before the market starts means you can get a reasonable price compared to the latecomers. The famous saying “the early bird catches the best worm” is Wholey in favour of Bitcoin investors. If you are somewhere in the middle of the year or the middle of the week, the best time is in August and on weekends.

Second theory

The second theory says that the weekends are the kind of time period which act as the medium for people to ponder whether to invest or not. Monday is the time when the rush begins to buy bitcoins. More demand leads to more price increases.

The weekends are considered the best days because the investors will buy the bitcoins for less money, and the price increase cycle starts on Monday. If you want to invest, you should understand this cycle and beat the rush. This way, you would not have to spend more money on the same quantity of bitcoins.

Third theory

There is a third and exciting theory. To get the best price rate for bitcoins, investors should avoid paydays at all costs. Usually, the paycheque and payments are cleared by the end and middle of the month, making the price rise cycle quicker.

If you want to invest, wait a week or so until the prices drop. In this way, the investing process will favour investors who will spend less money and gain more cryptocurrency.

Grab your bitcoins through alternative ways:

Although people like to buy cryptocurrency from crypto exchanges, there are other ways through which bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies can be legally purchased.

Payment platforms of digital

Specific platforms in the digital world offer the payments, trading, purchase and sale of bitcoins at various platforms in the proceeding lines. A list of some platforms is given which are handling the payment process, buying, selling and trading of Bitcoin efficiently and quickly. Here goes the list:


The first name in this list is Venmo. The platform offers the sale and purchase of bitcoins, where you can invest as little as one dollar. The advantage of this platform is that the fee structure is shallow. The maximum spread they charge for is around 0.0005 per cent.

This digital platform is directly linked to the bank account, so the processing fee is charged. In addition, access to a bank account allows the instant purchase of bitcoins. They also help the investors through quick answer question sessions, available on their frequently asked questions.


Like Venmo, PayPal also offers the trading, buying and selling of bitcoins on its platform. The fundamental role of PayPal is to act as an exchange and a wallet that can handle bitcoins along with other cryptocurrencies. The fee rate of PayPal is around 1.5 per cent. The maximum range for a fee is around about 2.3 per cent on the total amount of sale or purchase. This application makes the cryptocurrency buying and selling process, including Bitcoin, much easier and more efficient.

The only restriction on this digital platform is that the investors are limited to the purchase and sale of the tokens. The payments for the services availed or sold/ purchased goods cannot be paid from the Bitcoin account. Additionally, the investors cannot transfer their balance from one account to another.

Cash app

This is the third and last option, as per our observance, which can offer the best benefit to the customers in a general sense. This digital application allows investors and users to sell and buy bitcoins directly. The sending and receiving of bitcoins on the Cash App is also free.

Additionally, you can transfer and withdraw your bitcoins from this wallet easily and quickly. The security standards are high. The purchase and sale of bitcoins have some fees and charges which are not hidden and are mentioned on the rules and regulations page of the platform.

Trading through mobile app platforms

Just like the applications on the digital platforms, there is a list of mobile applications which offers convenience and efficiency for the sale and purchase of bitcoins. Mobile payment applications are also a part of the Bitcoin game because they are always after their profit which they can make with every little possible thing. Here goes the list:


The first name in this list is a famous one known to all of us being a child. The name of this app is from the favourite cartoon, I.e. Robin Hood, but this is not a cartoon game. This mobile payment platform offers free-of-charge trading forms for Bitcoin and other cryptos.

Crypto exchanges make money through the transactional process. The benefit of these payment platforms is that the investors must pay small or almost no fees for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions.


There is another platform in the list of brokerages which allows the selling and buying of bitcoins and other crypto stocks like NFTs, EFTs, crypto and many other options. This platform is unique among all other mobile payment applications, which offers seven unique and popular crypto. This crypto also includes the oldest digital currency, I.e., the bitcoin. The plus point of this mobile payment application is that it does not charge any fee from its users.

There is another unique feature of this application. This facility is usually not available on other mobile payment applications. This application offers the purchase of fractions. You can purchase a bit of the token to the least and minimum amount, designed to be one dollar.

Coin eft

The next application in the list is named Coin EFT. EFT is the kind of investment which does not involve security protocols and cryptocurrency exchanges to benefit cryptocurrency like bitcoin. With these mobile applications, investors are not required to buy bitcoins instantly from benefitting the ownership of bitcoins.


This blog offers complete information in a comprehensive yet precise way about all the aspects required and recommended in the buying and selling of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. There are specific theories that act in the sale and purchase of bitcoins. Similarly, some cycles affect the sale and purchase of bitcoins in a definite form.

Apart from all these cycles, there is a particular network that acts as a third party or middleman for the sale and purchase of bitcoins while asking for little to no benefit. In the same manner, specific mobile networks offer their services for the sale and purchase of tokens as well as their fractions for the ease and convenience of the users.